Friday, May 23, 2014

Readings for today:  Psalm 3 and 4,  Psalm 12 and 13, Psalm 28 and 55

That seems like a lot, but they are short, and packed with good thoughts.   Well worth the read.

Psalm 4:4 caught my attention right away.   There is a difference between anger and sin, and from this I gather that it has something to do with ruminating on it.  "stewing" someone used to call it.   It might be wise to ask the Lord to help me not to "sit and stew" about little things that make me angry, otherwise they could turn into something serious.   Verse 5 and 7 remind me that obedience quite often brings a greater sense of joy and contentment than  can be found anywhere else.    There should be days when we are filled with "inexpressible joy" that cannot be traced back to any event in our lives.   Supernatural joy from a loving Father.

Psalm 12 could have been written yesterday, that's how contemporary it is.   Lately, there seems to be an overwhelming approval of evil in our society.  (drug use, homosexuality, false religions, etc.)  It seems that Christians are the quietest group when they are mistreated.   Other religions and other groups would howl and petition until they had their own way.    Yet Christians seem to not become upset enough to protest loudly.    It sometimes gives you the impression that there aren't many Christians around.   I think that might be the modern equivalent to what David experienced.  Yet I am reminded that even though we aren't popular in the news, God has reserved a great number of people who are devoted and call upon His name.    The situation isn't as bleak as it might first appear.   After all, in the end.....we win.

Psalm 28 and 55.   David seems to be pressed by his enemies in our selected reading today.  In fact it seems like a close friend has betrayed him.   That's always difficult.  It's no wonder that his current confrontations have colored everything around him in dark shades.  He sees evil everywhere.   But in his lament he also gives us the best advice:  55:22  "Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you"...     Most of what we see and experience isn't meant to be our burden to carry.   Let God worry about those things.  After all, He did tell us that our yoke would be easy, and our burden light.

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