Monday, January 18, 2016

John 2

Monday,  January 18, 2015

Two of the most well known, and most controversial things that Jesus ever did are mentioned in this chapter.  1.  He turned water into wine  2.  He chased everyone out of the temple using a whip

It's kind of funny that Jesus walking on water, or claiming to be God isn't that controversial...but when he turns water into wine....well, that seems to be a bridge too far.  

For those among us who have completely sworn off the use of alcoholic beverages (myself included) it challenges our beliefs to see Jesus making wine.  So, we sometimes hear arguments like "it didn't have alcohol in it".  But the master of the feast would surely have recognized that.  He says differently.  He identifies that this is "the good stuff".   In the long view, Jesus didn't see drinking wine to be a problem, as long as it didn't violate the rest of scripture.  That means not becoming addicted to drinking, and not becoming drunk.   Proverbs 23:31 is very clear that we shouldn't allow our desire for alcoholic beverages to gain control over us.   In my case, the best way to accomplish that is to not have any.   I know some Christians who drink occasionally.  Some seem not to be affected by it...but I think it holds others back.

It wasn't so long ago that I felt that Diet Coke had too much of a hold on me, so I swore off of it completely.  That's because the Bible says "don't be addicted".  It doesn't matter how much alcohol content it can be addicted to many things that don't have any inherent addictive properties.
It all comes down to control.   Who's going to be in charge of you?   Who will have the final say?  Is it going to be you, or is it going to be Scripture?

I may add more to this thought tomorrow....but right now it's time to go skiing.


Well, skiing was great, but I realized I am getting older.  Too bad.  The good news is that soon I will be able to sit around with the other old guys and tell stories about my exploits as a "young man". 

Back to business:    Jesus cleared the temple with a whip.  Was He angry?  Yes.   Anger isn't a sin.  There are times when we should be angry.  Be angry about the things that cause people to sin.  Be angry about the trash they put on TV, and government that promotes immoral behavior.  But in your anger, don't sin.   Be angry, and turn it over to God to deal with.  The battle belongs to Him, not you.   When Jesus cleared the temple, it was righteous anger for His Father's house.   He was angry on behalf of God's House, and what the people were doing there. (they were making it hard to worship and offer sacrifices, taking advantage of others).   Most often, our anger is motivated by circumstances that have caused US grief or discomfort.   We can see Christianity persecuted, but if you persecute US, well, we are going to respond in anger.   That isn't what Jesus was doing.    Jesus never responded in anger when He was personally persecuted...and He was God. 

If we were to follow this example, I suspect that we would be angry far less often.


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