Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Matthew 13

This passage begins with Jesus speaking about how we should grow, and concludes with images of what happens when we are fully grown.   In other words, it speaks of planting and of harvesting.   When we talk about Christianity and planting, it begins with someone sharing the need for salvation, and the way to accept Jesus as Savior.  The word "Gospel" simply means "Good News".  So when we share the Gospel, we are planting the seeds into peoples lives.

The first part of this teaching has greatly helped me in my ministry, because it prepares me for what happens when the Gospel is shared.  Some will listen, and some will not.  Some will be excited and initially look like they are going to be people who will stick around... only to fall away later.   Knowing this helps me to be less disappointed when I see it happen.   Of course, there is always some disappointment, but this softens it somewhat.    

When I was in Israel a guide explained this to me in a way that really helped.  In Israel, a large portion of the farming is done on hillsides, and the terrain is very rocky.   So, you have a terraced spot that is fertile ground, with a footpath right beside it.   The footpath is usually worn down to almost bare rock, with some light accumulation of dirt along the edges.   When the farmer is scattering his seed, he isn't deliberately wasting it on the footpath, but it's so narrow that you can't help but have seed go there.   That's why you have the description that you do.   No successful farmer takes valuable seed and scatters it in the thorn bushes....that wouldn't make sense.    But the different soils are so close together that you can't avoid it. 

That idea dovetails into the rest of this passage.   Those who are earnestly seeking God are rubbing elbows everyday with people who don't want anything to do with Him...or people who want to be associated with God, but don't want Him to be Lord of their life.    Jesus tells us that we should expect to see this occurring, and He encourages us with this thought "it will all be made right at the final judgment".   

Don't be discouraged when you see the wicked flourish.  Don't be depressed when you see people who don't know God seem to get further ahead than what you do.   At the end of days, God is going looking for "wheat", and He won't be keeping any "weeds" no matter how tall they have grown.  

I want to make it my personal goal to grow more each day to be like Christ, and in His time, to be mature enough to share the Gospel effectively with the right people so that there may be a great harvest in heaven.    Even if I don't survive (in this life) to witness the whole event myself.

Growing in Jesus,


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