Friday, June 13, 2014

Friday, June 13, 2014

Reading for today: Proverbs 10, 11, 12

There are so many topics that one could focus on in reading Proverbs. Things like: be respectful to your parents (10:1) or be diligent in your work and don’t be lazy (10:4 and 27). be careful what you say (10:14), be honest (11:1), don’t gossip (11:13), don’t lie (12:17) and the list could go on and on. All wonderful words of wisdom, with an understanding that wisdom comes from more than just doing these things but to actually becoming the kind of person who puts their trust in the Lord and because of God living in them, can discern what is the best response to a particular situation. (The words of wisdom are truly written on their hearts, 7:3) 

But for today, I’d like to key in on the verse that is found in 10:12 that says “Hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all offenses.” How do we respond to offensive situations? Do we try to make it worse - browbeat someone into submission? Or do we think, you know I’ve been there too, I should encourage, build up; rather than tear down.  

This reminds me of what Peter says in his first letter “Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.” (1Peter 4:8). I wonder if Peter is remembering this proverb as he is writing his letter. They were tasked with building up a community just like Solomon. A Christian community where we are more about edifying than criticizing; a Christian community that forgives wrongs rather than looking for revenge. It was Christ who modeled this behavior for us. Christ, who did no wrong, took on our sins and covered them with his love for us. 

As followers of Christ, we need to live by His example and that is to love as he loved. Sacrificially. We should measure everything we do in love. So, Christian, if we have Christ living in us, and He is love, then we should respond to every situation with that same love that covers all offenses.”

Pastor Kathy

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