Saturday, June 7, 2014

Saturday, June 7
Reading for today: 1st Kings 3-4, 2nd Chronicles 1, Psalm 72 

So, here I am at my first attempt to post a blog. I am always so amazed at the many changes that have taken place over the last 25 years with the onset of the internet and how we can communicate in new and creative ways. Most of the technology I am learning to use seems like “science fiction” but I have to say, that even though there are some down sides to the internet, there are a lot of wonderful positives about it too. Just like being able to communicate in this fashion to so many people. Well, anyway, on to today’s reading.  

King Solomon – the wisdom of King Solomon. Today’s reading explains to us why Solomon is always described in this way. 

King Solomon is given the opportunity to ask God for anything, and what does he choose? He decides to ask for something that makes God very happy. He chooses wisdom. I can almost hear God saying “good answer, Solomon” and so because he chose wisdom over wealth and riches, he actually will acquire wealth and riches beyond his wildest imagination. Then this passage of scripture goes on to show us just how wise Solomon is, by determining who the real mother was of the child brought to him.  

So this passage made me ask myself, if God where to say to me “What shall I give you, Kathy?” what would be my response? Hmmm. In light of this passage of scripture, it would be hard to say anything else but wisdom. James tells us in his letter in the New Testament in chapter 1 verse 5 “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”  

Wisdom, it would seem is a pretty good thing for us to ask for. Especially the wisdom that comes from God. This wisdom, as James goes on to tell us “is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.” (James 3:17). Pretty awesome stuff to ask for. So why don’t we? Look around… there seems to be a lot of bad choices being made every day. Why don’t we seek God’s counsel first and look at situations through the eyes of God’s wisdom? I think life would be so much easier for all of us. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve made my share of bad choices, and certainly should have spent more time in prayer asking for guidance and direction. But I also know that as I continue to draw closer to Jesus, I find myself making better choices and more wise decisions.  

Wisdom is so needed in our world today. But I also think that I would like to add one more thing to my request for wisdom and that would be to never lose my focus on who I have been called to put my hope in, who I have been called to serve, Jesus. So what would you ask for?  

Now here’s the good news, God does say to us, “ask and it shall be given to you.” So we have been challenged by God to ask for what we need. What do you need? Hopefully you will respond by first saying that “I need Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior,” and then follow that by looking to God for wisdom…

Pastor Kathy

1 comment:

  1. Wow. Your posts are longer than mine...good job! I was thinking that God must hear many requests for victory over enemies, wealth and other common themes. This reading gives a clue as to what God really would like to hear from us....concern for the others around us.
