Saturday, October 11, 2014

Matthew 2 and Luke 2:39-52
Posted: October 11, 2014

In our reading today, we get the only glimpse of what happened in Jesus’ life between the time of his birth until he is ready to begin his ministry. He was dedicated at the temple, circumcised as was the custom on the eighth day, and then they had to leave and live in Egypt until Herod died and they could come back to Judah. 

When Jesus was 12 years old they were making an annual pilgrimage to Jerusalem for the Passover. Don’t let it slip by you that this occurred during Passover, because it gives us a little insight into the customs and traditions Jesus would have learned growing up. Jerusalem would have been a city he was familiar with. 

But I have to say, as a mother, I can’t imagine how frightened Mary and Joseph would have been over discovering Jesus missing. I lost my oldest daughter in a store for 20 minutes and thought I was going to have a nervous breakdown… 3 days they searched for him… 3 days. Interesting… As we read the stories throughout the gospels, I try to imagine what it must have felt like to be the mother of God… and I just can’t get my head around it. How she must have been confused, yet blessed; her patience tried, yet what peace would have surrounded her. How could you argue with Jesus’ logic?

I imagine her faith was tested time and time again. “Is this really happening? Is my son the long awaited Messiah?” Life as the parent of Jesus would have been very complicated, but God knew who he chose and he chose them for a reason. Is God choosing you for a special task? It may not always be easy, actually you may have to endure many hardships along the way but in the end the reward is incredible.

Pastor Kathy

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