Friday, July 11th
Reading for today: 2 Kings 9-11
Today's reading is about as violent and gruesome as the Old Testament gets. In these three passages we see over 100 people killed, some aren't buried, others are eaten by dogs and then there is the passage describing the baskets filled with heads.....
This kind of reading is difficult to understand, let alone appreciate; unless you see it the context of a much larger picture. The theme here is judgment, or justice. The Israelites were told (with the 10 commandments) that God is jealous "I the Lord your God am a jealous God..." and that they should not make any idols " not fashion for yourselves an idol in the form of anything on earth, or in heaven above, or in the waters below..." Moses told the people repeatedly that if they chose to follow other gods, then they would be punished. God has a point to prove here. He has a lesson to teach his people, not just the people alive at that time, but all of us up to the current day.
Here's the lesson: God is just, and He will not be mocked. You can get away with theft for a short time, but your sins are going to eventually catch up with you. If you have been disobedient, then there will be consequences.
Many times we hear people say "I don't understand how a God who loves us could have created a place like hell" It's easier to understand when you consider passages like this. God is loving and kind and gentle, but He is also jealous and just. He has promised good to those who serve Him, and in the same way he as promised a violent end to those who don't. What we see here is fulfillment of the promises of God.
Some may ask "what about the children or the guests who didn't do anything wrong?" I agree that's difficult to absorb, but here's what I take away from the passage: If I am in charge, then I am responsible for the people under me. As a father, I am responsible for my house. If my children aren't exposed to Christianity, then I am the one who answers for that, just as they are. Leaders are responsible for those under them. Our community leaders will be held responsible for the way they govern. Our nation's leaders will be held responsible for their actions as well. If the leaders say "as of today it's legal to do what the Bible says we shouldn't do" then they will be held accountable, and so will those who behave irresponsibly. No one is going to defy the Creator of the Universe and get away with it.
Herein lies the greatest responsibility of the Church. Many people are unknowingly serving false gods, and are going to reap the consequences for their actions. Our role is to make known to them that they are not free from the consequences of their actions. They ARE free to choose whatever they want to do., but they are NOT free of the consequences. Some parents don't believe there are consequences. It's the role of the church to inform the children that there are. Whether it be children, or adults or anyone else....our role is to teach people to live in such a way that they will avoid the brutal end that awaits all those who defy the Lord.
One more thing: the people who were going to visit the evil king, and the king of Judah who was visiting the evil king. All of them were killed as well. Here's what I take away from the text: "be careful who you align yourself with" No one who is righteous need be concerned that they will accidentally be destroyed along with the righteous, then again, righteous people should not be making allegiances and partnerships and alliances with the unrighteous. God tends to see this as a lack of trust in him to provide. Every time in scripture someone makes an unholy alliance it ends badly. It might be divine punishment in the form of pestilence, war, civil unrest, illness or even death. It simply is a training mechanism to help us understand the overall lesson: God is the one true God, and He will not be overlooked, taken for granted, defied or mocked.
Some may comment that the only way to change a government that has become completely corrupt and pagan is by violence. I believe that while our government is corrupt, it is not beyond forgiveness and restoration. Having said that, if I am wrong, or if we continue to decline, God will not hesitate to exact punishment on the United States. We aren't any different in God's eyes than any other nation.