Friday, July 4, 2014

Friday, July 4, 2014
Reading for today: 1 Kings 17-19

Happy Fourth of July!!

our reading today, we see great battles taking place between good and evil. An evil king (one who is more evil than any other king) Ahab goes after the man of God, the prophet Elijah. Several times they confront each other and each time Ahab is put in his place. What we see in this passage is how God, who is omnipotent and sovereign over all the world, works in mighty ways (reigns fire down on the altar and brings an end to the drought) and in subtle ways, (provides food for Elijah via the ravens, speaks to Elijah in a gentle wind).

God is also at work, not only in Israel but His mercy and grace is extended into foreign lands (ie, Zarephath of Sidon… a Canaanite town) where a widow and her son’s life are spared as they take care of Elijah. 

Elijah asks the people a question that we should all ask ourselves “How long will you waver between two opinions? If the Lord is God, follow him; but if Baal is God, follow him.” (18:21). Joshua asks the people this same question, “Choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve…” (Joshua 24:15) and Jesus tells us to make this choice too, when he says we cannot serve two masters. (Matthew 6:24). 

It is impossible for God’s people, for Christians to sit on the fence, two have their feet in two different camps. We must choose whom we will follow. Either the one true God or all the false gods we have created for ourselves. Are you Christian by name or by your actions? Think about the things that are controlling your life, where does Jesus fit in? Is He first in
your life? As for me and my house.... we WILL serve the Lord!


Pastor Kathy


  1. Ahab's terrible sin is serving other gods. For all we know, he might have been a very proficient ruler in other aspects. He certainly ruled for a long time, so he must have known something. In fact, it could be that he was doing what most of the people approved of. I wonder what his popularity rating would have been?
    But he is remembered in heaven as one of the most evil and incapable rulers in all of Israel's history. It had nothing to do with his economic policy, or even his foreign policy, or the employment rate..... He led the people further away from God by making evil socially acceptable.

  2. Hmmm I wonder how many current day rulers will be remembered in heaven as someone who led their people further away from God. I've heard it said that as the leadership does, so do the people. People tend to follow their leaders example. In politics, at work, in school, in church.... puts a higher level of responsibility on all our leaders
