Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Reading for today: Jeremiah 18 – 22
Tuesday, August 19, 2014

I love object lessons. They help me to see visually in my mind what the “teacher” is trying to get across. This parable of the potter and clay is such a great visual example of God’s sovereignty over all. He is the potter, we are the clay. He has the power to mold us, use us, bless us or destroy us. We are His creation. We must be compliant to what He wants for us in our lives, to be obedient, humble, submissive and dependent upon God. Contrast this obedience to God with our society today. In our culture we seem to admire and revere assertiveness, pride and independence.

Growing up in the 60’s, I remember hearing about people who defied authority and they were applauded and praised, songs were written to honor them, movies were made that audiences would stand and cheer. Now, please don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that having a good sense of self-worth is bad, but what starts to happen is we become too independent and we forget to look to God. We rely on our own resources to save us. That’s what is happening here in Judah. They have forgotten all that God has done for them and they only look to the people who will tell them what they want to hear. They praise God on one hand but then praise and worship their idols too. You can’t have it both ways. We cannot serve two masters.

There is a passage of scripture in Matthew (21:44) and again in Luke (20:18) that says “he who falls on this stone (that would be Jesus) will be broken to pieces (just like the potter who can form us into a pot that seems best to him), but he on whom it falls will be crushed.” We need to come before God, broken and ready to accept the way God wants to mold us – or just like Jeremiah, who smashed the clay jars, we will be crushed by the judgment of God upon us.  I am so grateful that God hasn't given up on us yet. My prayer is that we will look to God for everything before it is too late (which means now) and let Him mold us into the people he wants us to be.


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