Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Mark 3

Whenever we read in the Bible that Jesus' disciples were with him, we think of the 12.  However, it is far more likely that there were many more than 12 that followed him throughout his ministry.  We know this because when the apostles decided to replace Judas one of the criteria was that you had to have been with Jesus during His ministry.   As we see in this passage, it was the 12 who were selected for a higher honor.   What strikes me this morning is this:   The Son of God comes to earth and identifies 12 men as special among all the people of the earth...and there are some names on that list that I never hear about on the pages of Scripture.   How can that be?   Clearly these men had some significant ministry or mission to perform and yet it's not mentioned.   
We know from other sources what happened to most of the disciples.   I guess the point is that sometimes we may do our most significant work in obscurity.  Jesus didn't promise that we would be famous if we were obedient.  Sure, some will be famous...but many others will not.   I think the reason that we don't know what happened to the disciples is because the book isn't about them.   This is the account of how humans can reconnect with their Creator, and the consequences that decision brings.   
What are you willing to do for Jesus even if you never get credit for it?   Are you willing to work without recognition?   I guess it could be pretty difficult to be commissioned by God for a special task and then go unrecognized on the pages of history.   It's probably just as difficult to work hard at your local church and not be recognized.   But remember, God never promises recognition, and that shouldn't be our motivation.  When we begin to feel unappreciated, maybe that's a warning sign that we are losing sight of the real reason we are serving.

  I should really memorize the names of the 12.   I don't want to run into Thaddeus in heaven and not know he was a disciple.  That would be embarrassing.


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