Friday, January 8, 2016

Matthew 3

Jan 8, 2016

The ancient traditions held that Elijah (Israel's greatest prophet) would return to usher in the time of the Messiah.  Isaiah, a great prophet in his own time, said as much in the quote contained in this chapter.    But later, when Jesus is questioned on the subject he says that Elijah has already come.  (Matthew 17:12) meaning that John the Baptist is the one who came "in the Spirit of Elijah" (which is to say "John came filled with the Holy Spirit, which is the exact same Spirit that filled Elijah".)

John's clothes are mentioned because they were the standard garb of a prophet.  Matthew is telling us that "John was a prophet, like the prophets of old".   I wonder if Christians today can be recognized by the way they dress, or talk, or the places that they could look at John the Baptist and know that he was someone set apart.   God ordained that, and I have to imagine that God approved of the clothing that he wore.   Does any of that carry forward to today?   I don't care to develop the thought much further now...I'm just thinking in print.

Jesus was obedient to be baptized by John, just as His Father wanted.  Verse 15 tells us that.   Obedience is key to maintaining the relationship with God.   Jesus says to us in John 15:10 that if we love Him we will obey.

We never know when our obedience to God will reap great dividends, that's why we need to remain obedient all the time.   Even when we think it doesn't matter, or no one is looking.   Obedience is always rewarded, and disobedience always sets us back, and stalls our growth.

On a completely different note:  I have mentioned before when blogging that this passage helps us understand the existence of the Trinity.   Jesus is in the water, a voice comes from heaven, and at the same time a fluttering presence descends on Jesus.   Three distinct representations of God.



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