Reading for the day: 1 Kings 12, 13, 14
Are you listening to “yes” men? To people who tell you what
you want to hear even if it is not true?
In our reading for today, we read of two examples of people following
the advice of people who told them not what they should do, but rather what
they wanted to hear. Rehoboam, who is a foolish, oppressive dictator, does what
at first seems to be the “wise” thing to do. He seeks council with his father’s
old advisors and they give him sound advice. But then Rehoboam doesn’t seem to
like what he heard, do he goes to his cronies and asks them for their advice.
They tell him just what he wanted to hear and so foolishly he follows their
advice, becoming the oppressive and despicable dictator that scripture shows
him to be.
The second one is a little harder to detect, but it is there
as well. The “man of God” (we don’t have a name for him), comes from Judah to
Bethel and condemns Jeroboam who is making a sacrifice that is not pleasing to
God. (I don’t want to go into all the reasons why this is bad, just suffice it
to say, he was wrong, very wrong it what he was doing).
Well, of course this condemnation makes Jeroboam very angry
at the “man of God” and puts the “man of God” in danger. Even when Jeroboam
sounds like he wants to welcome him into his home, the “man of God” is still listening
to God and obeying him and refuses. God tells him don’t eat or drink anything
and don’t go home by the same route. Unfortunately, this makes the next few
days very difficult for the “man of God” and he finds himself hungry, thirsty
and heading down a more difficult path towards home.
Now into the story comes a certain old prophet. One might
think on the surface this is a good thing, but if you think about who this old
prophet is, he has been serving King Jeroboam and so it makes sense to
understand, he is not a prophet of God, but rather of the false gods that
Jeroboam has put into place. Another
thing that points to the old prophet’s unworthiness is the understanding that
he is lying to the “man of God”, he never consulted God and there was no angel
that came and spoke to him. He is telling the “man of God’ what he wants to
hear and so, rather than staying true to God and God’s message, he jumps on the
chance to satisfy his hunger and thirst. And the rest of the story tells us
what a bad decision it was.
So my question again is “are you listening to only people
who will tell you what you want to hear or are you search for the truth?” It is
up to us to determine if what someone is telling us is from God or not and how
can you do that? Ask yourself is this in line with what the Bible tells us and
the only way you’ll know what the Bible says is to read it. So I applaud all of
you who are reading through your Bible and it is my prayer that we will not be
deceived when someone tries to persuade us to follow false teaching.
Pastor Kathy